BioRuby MAF blog

Multiple Alignment Format support for BioRuby and bio-alignment

Parallel I/O

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Some applications of a MAF parser call for sequential processing of an entire MAF file, but in many cases random access is necessary. I found that a single-threaded parsing approach worked tolerably well for sequential access, with OS-level readahead helping, but that single-threaded performance with random access was very poor indeed. With a test scenario, I was only able to parse 10.5 MB/s from a SATA hard disk, and 34.3 MB/s from a MacBook Air SSD.

My next step was to parallelize random I/O for index-based queries. With Ruby 1.9.3, this was pointless, since its GIL prevents any useful parallelism, but with JRuby there was ample scope for improvement. In the end, I implemented several parallel I/O subsystems: one with a pool of independent threads reading and parsing groups of blocks, one with separate pools of reader and parser threads, and one using an adaptive parallel I/O subsystem modeled after Dmitry Vyukov’s Wide Finder entry.

As test data for this, I used chr22.maf from the hg18 data set and a set of 10,000 randomly generated genomic intervals from its reference sequence, along with an index for the MAF file. I tested performance with all three I/O subsystems on hard disk and SSD storage, and of course with various numbers of threads, queue sizes, and so forth.

To my surprise, I found that my first implementation, with independent worker threads reading and immediately parsing MAF blocks, outperformed the others. Quite possibly this is because the data being parsed has just been read into cache by the same thread. It is possible that the adaptive implementation could be competitive with it, but it was challenging to tune it properly for this workload in a way that worked with slow and fast storage alike. Further work on this might be promising.

In the end, the first implementation delivered a maximum of 26 MB/s from hard disk, and 136 MB/s from SSD; the implementation with separate reader and parser threads seemed to top out at 24 and 104 MB/s respectively.

Almost as striking, however, was the difference between a single run and the third or fourth run repeated back-to-back in the same JVM instance. In some cases, performance almost doubled, from 87 to 136 MB/s in a representative case. File system caching was ruled out, but intensive HotSpot compiler activity was observed, so I would attribute this to the combined optimization activity of the JRuby and HotSpot JIT compilers.

Index scanning

An unexpected bottleneck was observed: at peak performance, single-threaded scanning of the 16 MB index to select the blocks to parse takes 6.9 seconds, nearly as long as it took to parse the 869 MB of MAF data. Optimizing the match test used produced a significant speedup, but past that, no optimization attempts have had much success.

Parallelizing the index scan showed a modest improvement with two threads, topping out around 5.2 seconds; more than two threads have resulted in negligible improvements. Currently, the two-thread parallel scan is the default under JRuby.

Starting the scan at the first block of interest rather than at the start of the bin added noticeable complexity for no detectable performance gain. Running the index scan in parallel with the block parsing seemed like a reasonable approach, but turned out to be slower than performing the two operations sequentially.

JRuby and java.util.concurrent

A significant benefit of using JRuby is having access to the java.util.concurrent library. Its blocking queues made parallel parsing simple to implement, and parallel index scans were even easier with the ExecutorCompletionService. Since JRuby objects are JVM objects like any other, and JRuby threads are implemented atop JVM threads, it was perfectly easy to use these.
