BioRuby MAF blog

Multiple Alignment Format support for BioRuby and bio-alignment

First Milestone

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It’s the end of my first week of actual development work, and I’m happy with my progress. My first milestone, for batch MAF conversion to FASTA, is complete. I started with a simple line-based parser, and then spent some time developing a faster one; my MAF parser now appears to be quite competitive in performance. I can now convert simple MAF files to FASTA with output matching that from the Galaxy tools. And I’m fairly confident in its correctness, with RSpec unit tests and Cucumber features specifying its behavior relatively completely.

Parser development

My initial approach was to simply process the file line-by-line, calling IO#readline each time. This turned out to be a little more cumbersome than I expected. Also, there was a discussion on the Biopython list of the usefulness of BGZF blocked compression for MAF files, which would not fit well with such a linear line-oriented approach. Inspired by Dmitry Vyukov’s Wide Finder 2 entry, I wrote a new parser which reads the file in 8 MB chunks. It immediately locates the start of the last MAF alignment block in that chunk, and then proceeds to scan through the chunk, parsing an alignment block at a time, until the last block is reached. When it reaches the last block, it joins the block fragments at the end of one chunk and the beginning of the next chunk.

For separating the alignment blocks within each chunk, using a StringScanner and regexes worked well, but for parsing the individual alignment blocks, using String#split to split the block into lines, dispatching on the first character with a case statement and plain string comparisons, and splitting lines into fields turned out to perform substantially better. I suspect the overhead of setting up a regex matching operation is the reason for this; profiling indicated that it was spending considerable time in regex operations, at any rate.

After this optimization, the chunked parser was able to parse a 315 MB file and count its MAF blocks in 10.1 s, compared to 16.0 s for the earlier line-based parser and 22.7 s for the parser from Galaxy’s bx-python library. This seems like very respectable performance.

Also, the upcoming JRuby 1.7 on Java 7 appears to have excellent performance with the chunked parser, perhaps due to the new invokedynamic support. After warming up the JVM, it averaged 16 μs per alignment block parsed, compared to 25 μs for Ruby 1.9.3. See the performance page on the project wiki for details.

Behavior-Driven Development

At the beginning of this week, I was not at all clear on when it would make sense to use Cucumber and when to use RSpec. After writing a Cucumber feature to ensure that sequence data was exposed properly, it didn’t seem worthwhile to duplicate that in RSpec. However, the chunked parser was much harder to get right than the original line-based parser, and RSpec was an invaluable tool for that.

For most of the bugs I found, I developed an RSpec specification to call for the correct behavior. Some of these could go into Cucumber just as well, such as the one stipulating that a certain alignment block should have ten sequences in it. Most, though, are about low-level details such as correct parsing of sequence lines split across chunk boundaries.

In some cases it was challenging to follow the BDD principle of writing only the necessary code to make the next test pass. When I started on the chunked parser, I had a very clear idea of how it needed to work, and next to no idea how to specify that in terms of tests. So I just started writing code and relying on the existing parser tests. However, the set of RSpec tests I ended up with seems to specify the chunked parser’s behavior reasonably well; they specify where the last block in a chunk should be detected, how many blocks should be parsed in a file if chunk fragments are being joined properly, what happens if a sequence line is split across a chunk boundary, and so on.

This gives me a concrete idea of the kind of tests I might want to write to specify something like this next time. We’ll see how well I can apply this next week, when I start working on indexed access.


I knew that it was possible to set up continuous integration as a hosted service with Travis-CI, but it was a pleasant surprise to find that I could also have documentation generated the same way. It would be nice to have Travis-CI do hosted coverage reporting as well, but setting up simplecov was very easy.

I’ve been doing my development work with Emacs and using rspec-mode, cucumber.el, and Magit. These have all been better than nothing, but also somewhat frustrating; I’ve already sent in one pull request for cucumber.el, and over the next month or two I may explore some more radical ideas to make rspec-mode and cucumber.el more useful. I’ve been gradually learning how to use Magit, although I usually end up doing my more complex Git operations from the command line.
